Flex In The City
Social Media Content

Social Media Content - Flex


Flex in the City Pilates Studio collaborates with Lyne Media to produce engaging monthly social media content. Our goal is to showcase the studio's vibrant atmosphere, professional instructors, and diverse class offerings through a mix of talking head videos and dynamic B-roll clips.

The Challenge

Our task is to consistently create high-quality, engaging content that keeps Flex in the City's social media presence fresh and appealing. The content needs to highlight the benefits of Pilates, the expertise of the instructors, and the welcoming environment of the studio.

Our Approach

  • Filming: Using high-resolution cameras, we film talking head videos featuring the studio's instructors discussing various Pilates techniques, health benefits, and class information. We also capture B-roll footage of classes in action, the studio's facilities, and student interactions.
  • Editing: In post-production, we edit the videos to create a polished and engaging final product. We incorporate the studio's branding and ensure the content is optimized for social media platforms.
  • Consistency: We deliver a mix of content each month, maintaining a consistent style and quality that aligns with Flex in the City's brand.

The Outcome

The monthly social media content produced by Lyne Media has helped Flex in the City build a strong online presence, increase engagement with current clients, and attract new members. The mix of talking head videos and B-roll clips effectively showcases the studio's offerings and creates a dynamic online presence.

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